
Sadie Jane on Self Love, Meditation, and Movement

October 23, 2019

In this episode, we go on a pilgrimage of vibrant and raw conversation with Sadie Jane. She guides us through her journey of early childhood trauma and how it led to eating disorders, suicide Ideation, and body dysmorphia. She was brave enough to step outside of the box and seek hypnosis as a form of healing. It was through this process that Sadie had her own breakthrough. She has been inspired to create programs that will take us all by the hand as we heal. Sadie is a genuinely inspired thought leader and healer, and her commitment to all of us is so beautiful. 

Early Childhood trauma lands on all of us in different ways. It could stem from family issues or school, religion, or social groups. Epigenetic’s is the science that has proven that we inherit more than our bone structure and eye colors from our parents. We also inherit the emotions and traumas of the ancestors that are woven into our DNA. The time has come to blow the lid off of our silence and shame. The time has come to reach into our past and heal our soul losses and ancestral patterns. When we heal the past, we change the future. 

Looking at our deepest emotions and traumas is terrifying, sometimes crippling. Especially today, as we share with the world the best parts of who we are on social media. The truth is, we don’t even know how incredible our potential really is until we dive into the issues that hold us back. Every time you unlock a soul loss or trauma wound and work with it, you change the trajectory of your life. It’s through this brave act, when we realize that the dark is always equal to the light. The deeper we are willing to go, the higher we are able to rise. 

Mediation is a tuning fork that taps into our soul and all of its hidden secrets. Society tries to tell us that we are weak when we dare to look in these dark spaces. But Meditation allows pull up to the surface, all of the healing we need to have growth and abundance. Yoga is a form of movement that keeps us disciplined and focused. The movements tap into our energy centers and help us release trapped emotions. The Chakras and Meridian lines are another cosmology of healing that can assist us as we do the hard work. Energy gets stuck in our bodies, and we don’t use our emotions as a natural release. If you want to learn more about theChakras, click on THIS episode. Think of all the times you have been confronted with something really hard. The first response is to get tense and tight and pull away from it. You almost hold your breath and try to swallow the difficulties. This causes all of the energy to absorb into the depths of our psyche in a standoff. We don’t address it until we become sick, anxiety-ridden, or depressed. 

Accountability is the secret sauce and the first step into healing. The truth is, as long as we live, we will never arrive at a healing destination. Its a journey that has infinite layers, and we get to unfold them over and over again as we evolve. Ashlee shares her accountability story in this episode, and it’s truly inspiring. Her bravery to speak her truth and share the good with the bad is the kind of transparency we need to thrive. As we begin to heal, we are able to assist others by sharing our stories and truths. These are the courageous examples we need to follow and to become the highest versions of ourselves. Sadie gives us the most beautiful insights, helps us feel the courage to look into our dark closets, and then offers us tools to heal, rise, and repeat! 

Let’s do this together! Let us show the world our worth and our superpowers. Let’s be brave enough to take deep dives, discover natural ways of healing through metaphors, chakras, meditation, hypnotherapy, yoga, and anything else that feels curious. Let’s give ourselves permission to find ourselves over and over again. 

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